#storyUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesLeoFinanceWorldmappinVibesHIVE CN 中文社区ActifitLifestyleSplinterlandsOlio di BalenaPhotography LoversLiketuHive LearnersBlack And WhiteExplore Communities...#storyTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutedmeesterboom (80)in #life • 14 hours agoSanta's ComingHo ho ho... Merry Christmas! I hooted in the Good Lady's ear before giving her a resounding smack on the booty. Will you bloody stop slapping my arse?! The Good…rivalhw (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 19 hours ago圆谎 or 亡羊补牢?一大早,老大班主任在微信发来信息,问我孩子的, “语文达标卷没有交过,昨天问说忘带了,今天还是没有,不知道有没有完成?” 我心里一虚,问老师, “是那个6页的卷子吗?” 在得到老师确定后,这下心里更虚了。原因不是别的,而是我知道,老大撒谎了。 前一天晚上的时候,我问老大, “老师昨天说你那个什么作业没完成,今晚记得抓紧做哦!”…inber (79)in #blog • 15 hours agoBook issues and sleep issuesHi, guys! I couldn't sleep all night today because I was so worried about the plot of the book I'm writing. It's bad because my psychiatric treatment doesn't have any pills…ganya.grak (72)in Team Ukraine • 13 hours agoChristmas with Penguins / Різдво з пінгвінамиЩасливого Різдва, друзі! І дружній привіт усім від пінгвінів з української антарктичної станції "Академік Вернадський". Адже напередодні Різдва тут сталося справжнє дивоdeeanndmathews (77)in Freewriters • 23 hours ago24 December 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2596: lack of tensionImage by Ylanite Koppens from Pixabay Col. H.F. Lee was keenly attuned to the patterns and cycles of life around him, so, the fact that six-year-old Grayson, the most…fashtioluwa (69)in The Ink Well • 2 days agoHangout with the Cliqs.September 2022 "It been years we all hang out together; why don't we plan a hangout since we are all in Lagos City?" Victor dropped this message on the group chat, which was…ganya.grak (72)in Team Ukraine • 2 days agoВСІ.СВОЇ: Christmas Market in KyivПривіт, друзі! Свята наближаються. І всі ми хочемо радіти прийдешньому Різдву як і весь цивілізований світ. Купувати рідним тв близьким подарунки, декорувати святково свої оселі й приелащати ялинку. Миchris-chris92 (69)in Movies & TV Shows • 2 days agoA TV series big time underrrated? Succession, a taste of the power behind the PowerSource I'm really sorry, but if you haven't seen HBO's ‘Succession’ yet, I clearly have a suggestion to offer you. And no, what you are reading is not part of a…trina77 (62)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 9 hours ago家有调皮小虎妞趁着回家休息期间,老妈下午基本都在小区麻将馆光顾,照顾小宝就成了我的任务。也是为人母者应尽之责,毕竟这可爱的小调皮是我带到这世间的。…trina77 (62)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago赖与债的趣味较量在家庭生活的琐碎日常中,我和飞哥开启了一场又一场充满戏剧性的“赌局”,本应是增添乐趣的小游戏,却让我深刻见识到了他那令人哭笑不得的“赖皮”本质。…inber (79)in #blog • 2 days agoCreating universe in bookHi, guys! Yesterday I started working on the text again, writing the second part. I thought it would be hard for me to write five pages a day and was literally preparing for a…ugotreasure (46)in Hive Reachout • 14 hours agoA funny writer has landed Introduction Note My name is Ugochukwu Magnus Ikeji, Ugochukwu Magnus Ikeji is from a small village called Umudioka in Orlu Local government of imo state of Nigeria, this is…ibbtammy (70)in Digital Lifestyle • 2 days agoWhen technology turns against youWhat's the worst network issue you've ever faced? Oh Lord, I’ve had tons of network issues. It’s crazy how my network begins to flop every single time I am in the middle of…liumei (65)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago圣诞快乐各位圣诞快乐呀! 昨天因为没有搭档,店里休息一天,可不是因为过平安夜呀。 闺女熬夜画的卡片 休这一天也被安排的满满的,我妈的牙因为吃小花盖的大夹子被硌掉了一块,这两三天吃东西都不方便,正好有时间了,带她去我弟的诊所修一下。 诊所在普兰店,我们选最经济的交通方式——火车过去。…meesterboom (80)in #life • 5 days agoTwo and a HalfBlummin eck, it's quiet today. I called out cheerily to the lonely-looking Personal Trainer mooching around the crash mats as if imagining himself jumping from a plane with a…inber (79)in #blog • 3 days agoAbout to be lost in writingHi, guys! Today I am starting to write the second part of my novel and I am a little nervous about it. My second writing binge is starting, which I plan to last for a month…der-prophet (74)in LeoFinance • 9 hours agoBeginnt nach Weihnachten der Altcoin-Sommer?/ Does the Altcoin Summer Begin After Christmas?Die Bullen legen am Kryptomarkt eine Verschnaufpause ein. Nachdem es seit Donald Trumps Wahlsieg fast schon Woche für Woche neue Höchststände zu sehen gab, kehrt aktuell etwas…socbez1 (73)in Team Ukraine • 2 days agoКіно повертається на вулиці КиєваОй, як же ж приємно знову бачити ці знайомі спеціалізовані автомобілі, які супроводжують знімальний процес в кіновиробництві та телебаченні. Сьогодні в самому центрі Києва…rivalhw (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 days ago谁焦虑了?现在的商家,常常喜欢标新立异,原本这是好事,有创新才更有吸引力嘛。 但,像洗手间这类地方,是人们必须的地方,主要作用是方便,如果搞得太创新了,反而容易弄巧成拙,甚至有时让人尴尬不已。…koto-art (72)in Daily Blog • yesterdayMy Father and Colour Red 父と赤色 [English and Japanese]My Father and Colour Red It’s the holiday season, and white snow surrounds my house. Inside, my house is cozy because of the wood stove. This wood stove is the heart of my home, and it has made a significant